Thursday, January 28, 2010

Just a Crush

My latest crush is on a fellow bloggers doggie. It's the most adorable wrinkle faced miniature english bulldog in the entire world. I get pouty when blogger X skips a day updating us on how her snuggly pup is doing. And stressed out when the little guy gets the tiniest bit sick. Okay, so maybe it's more like an infatuation then a crush. If I ever move out of my apartment and into a place where I can have a pet I am getting my own mini english bulldog. It hurts my heart how bad I want one. Picture of my adorable puppy bf is attached.

Monday, December 21, 2009


Only FIVE more days till Christmas. I can hardly contain my excitement! ...... Is it Christmas yet? What about now?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Look Out Las Vegas

We are officially going to Las Vegas for Kristy's bachelorette. For most people I would say this is an uninspired cop out on the planners part. But it actually happens to be one of Kristy's favorite places. She loves poker, watching competitive sports, amazing food, staying out late dancing with her girlies, and sunbathing by pools. My last Vegas trip was also with Kristy and we definitely stayed out way past my curfew and spent all my allowance at the blackjack tables. Too much fun! I think I some hats like the ones above might be in order. Nothing says "classy" like a customized hot pink trucker hat.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Here we Go Again

2009 kicked off with me whining a lot about adjusting to new roommates. I found out today that my bestie roommate Marissa got an amazing promotion at work that will be taking her to London. My initial reaction was to jump up and down in excitement with her. There will be trips to visit her for sure filled with Harrods, high tea, and double decker buses. Emotion number two was my stomach turing over at the thought of losing my yoga pants GG marathon buddy and having to interview 500 more Craig's List hopefuls. So yes, here we go again.

Monday, November 2, 2009

NYC Marathon 2010

Holy SHIT! I just signed myself up to run the NYC marathon November 7, 2010. For some reason I have an itch to run THIS particular race. Something in my brain tripped and I thought, "gee, wouldn't it be nice to take a long leisurely run all around NYC?" Crazy right? It's up there with pregnant women wanting to eat dirt nuts.

I won't know if I actually got in until March, 25. But even submitting the application made me sweat. Running 26.2 miles is pretty insane. Training for the half last month was tough but doable. When I got to the finish line man was I glad I wasn't one of those suckers who were only half way done. Next year that will be me. So I guess it's a good thing NYC is only a full so I won't be able to turn off half way and cheat! Right now I am not sure what I want to hear on 3/25. If I do get in and cross that finish line it would be pretty amazing.

Red Cup Time

I'm not talking about the red plastic solo cups that are synonymous with bbq's and drinking games. Starbucks red holiday cups roll out tomorrow. That means gingerbread lattes (my fave), eggnog lattes, and peppermint mochas. This is very exciting shiite folks. I'm normally a straight up soy latte person the rest of the year. No sugar, no syrup, just soy milk and espresso. But during the holidays I can't seem to get enough lattes with just a touch of gingerbread. I might not be able to sleep tonight I'm so excited. Seriously.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Book Crush

I often get crushes on pretty books. This time it's on the new editions of the penguin classics. Especially the Treasure Island volume. How can you not want this book????? They look really smart all lined up in a row, but its this one that I daydream about. Bummer is it's in the half of the collection that's only available in the U.K. right now. Sigh. If a certain friend who goes to London every month for work really really loves me maybe she'll fetch me a copy?? yes? to be continued.